Lights of Hope is the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network’s (ACS CAN) signature fundraiser, dedicated to honoring those who have been touched by cancer and remembering those lost to this disease.


Every year, the funds raised during this event empower ACS CAN to champion cancer as a priority with lawmakers on local, state, and federal levels.

This nationwide event brings communities together as volunteers decorate bags to be displayed across the country, including at our nation’s capital. In Dallas, we’re coming together to shine a light on the stories of survivors, those currently in treatment, caregivers, and those we’ve lost.

Young Texans of the American Cancer Society (YTACS) is honored to host its first Lights of Hope event in Dallas on September 14th! An evening filled with live music by Doug AdamsCowtown Dogs food truck, drinks by The Bubble Bus, all in support of a cause that impacts us all. Together, we can create a beacon of hope that illuminates the path toward a cancer-free future.

CLICK HERE for more information.